The team at Rebellion might be best known for their work on the Sniper Elite and Zombie Army franchises, but with Atomfall – their first new IP for seven years – they’re stepping into new territory. Blending clever investigative gameplay and open-ended exploration, Atomfall makes for a uniquely gripping experience that’s unlike anything that the team has released before. And sure, there are a few small shortcoming with its combat, but the tense atmosphere, rich storytelling, and continually engaging mystery will ensure players are kept hooked in from start to end.
Check out some screenshots down below:

One of Atomfall’s greatest strengths comes with its setting and storytelling. Drawing inspiration from the real-world Windscale nuclear disaster of 1957, the game reimagines an England where the surrounding countryside never recovered from the implication of the nuclear radiation. Wyndham and its outskirts feel like a place frozen in time, isolated from the rest of the world yet slowly descending into a peculiar chaos whilst still embracing British culture. You wake up in the midst of it with amnesia… yeah, yeah, I know, it’s a well-trodden trope, but it plays in well with the game’s approach of letting players tackle the story in their own way (more on that in a bit).
The atmosphere is thick with tension and paranoia, with government robots patrolling the streets, extremist factions imposing their own brutal laws, and constant whispers of conspiracies. Players must navigate this fraught environment carefully, deciding who to trust and who to believe when seeking the truth. It makes for an incredibly immersive world, filled with environmental storytelling and layered with historical influences that give it a uniquely British identity.
The game’s attention to detail helps make Wyndham feel like a real, lived-in place. The village is a picture of post-war Britain, yet beneath this quaint exterior lies an unsettling reality – the residents are trapped, divided by fear, and desperate for any way out. It might sound dark (and it can be), but the game also cleverly weaves in satire and political commentary that do give it a lighter touch. Whilst some of these references will resonate most with players from the UK, the overall sense of small-town gossip and quiet desperation is undoubtedly universal. It’s fascinating and helps make the story and world-building of Atomfall truly shine.
Unlike traditional open-world games that bombard players with objective markers and checklist-style quests to complete, Atomfall takes a different approach. Instead of structured missions, the game introduces a system called ‘Leads’, which serves as an organic way of uncovering information. Players gather clues by talking to NPCs, examining documents, and exploring their surroundings carefully, with collected clues compiled into broader investigative threads to follow, allowing players to pursue different theories on how to investigate them. Instead of following a set path, players must piece together their own solutions – some of which may lead to dead ends, reinforcing the game’s sense of uncertainty, and others which bring with them a more conclusive ending.
“Atomfall is an enthralling blend of investigative gameplay and atmospheric storytelling, all wrapped up in an eerie vision of an alternate-history Britain.”
This investigative approach makes Atomfall feel genuinely dynamic. Rather than being led from one objective to the next, players must think critically, deciding which rumours to follow and which to dismiss, whilst also taking the time to uncover as many details as they can before coming to their own conclusions. It also encourages replayability, as different playthroughs can lead to different discoveries and outcomes. One of the other writers on our team has been playing the game alongside me, and it’s been genuinely impressive just how different our playthroughs have been.
However, whilst it makes for a fresh and engaging approach to questing, this open-ended design may not appeal to everyone. Players accustomed to more guided experiences may find the lack of clear direction frustrating at times, and I’ll admit, as a completionist, there have been more than a few moments when playing where I wished things could have been a bit more black or white. Luckily, you can enable quest markers if you prefer, but honestly? The investigative approach was something I came to appreciate the longer I played, and those who enjoy piecing together information and making their own deductions are sure to feel captivated by just how effective the approach can be.
Whilst Atomfall places its primary focus on investigation and exploration, combat still plays a significant role when dealing with hostile cult members, government enforcers, or the more… sinister creatures of the world. Players have a choice between ranged and melee combat, with an assortment of weapons available, including revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and an array of blunt and bladed melee weapons.
Gunplay in Atomfall is enjoyable, though not without its issues. Weapons generally feel weighty, and landing a well-placed headshot with a revolver or delivering a close-range blast from a shotgun always feels satisfying – but hey, given that this came from the team behind Sniper Elite, that’s probably no surprise. However, it should be noted that the enemy AI lacks the intelligence to provide truly engaging shootouts, with enemies following basic attack patterns that make them easy to outsmart. Whilst there will be times when you might be overwhelmed by tougher foes, it felt rare that shootouts didn’t work in my favour.
Check out some screenshots down below:

On the other hand, melee combat could feel a little lacking. Whilst there’s a cool selection of melee weapons that feel fittingly British, the inconsistent hit detection and lack of oomph with impact could make those up-close showdowns feel a little clumsy. Don’t get me wrong, some weapons always feel satisfying to use (especially the cricket bat), but it never felt as strong as players might have seen in similar releases.
That’s not to say that combat isn’t without its strengths though, with Atomfall giving players a lot of freedom in how they approach each encounter with enemies. Players can approach encounters in multiple ways, choosing whether to engage head-on, sneak past enemies, or use the environment to their advantage, whilst especially resourceful players can lure enemies into traps or make use of the crafting system to create tools that aid in combat. There’s a hell of a lot going on, and whilst there are imperfections, it ensures that combat remains fun throughout.
There are other things for players to get stuck into along the way, with resource gathering, crafting, and stealth playing an important role throughout the experience. Admittedly, none of these systems are particularly deep, but they all bring extra mechanics into play that ensure that Atomfall remains involving throughout. And hey, whilst it might not be particularly intricate, crafting can be imperative to your success – especially with resources such as ammunition regularly running low. It’s good stuff and helps flesh out Atomfall into a more complete and engrossing experience.
It absolutely looks the part too, with Wyndham and its surrounding countryside beautifully realized, with the blend of natural beauty and the decaying remains of buildings creating a world that feels both familiar and unsettling. The game’s environmental storytelling is strong, with abandoned homes filled with remnants of past lives, government posters reinforcing propaganda, and scattered notes adding layers to the mystery that’ll genuinely leave players full engrossed in the world. Whilst the character models and animations are don’t quite reach the same heights, the environmental design more than makes up for these minor shortcomings.
Atomfall Review
Atomfall is an enthralling blend of investigative gameplay and atmospheric storytelling, all wrapped up in an eerie vision of an alternate-history Britain. Its rich setting and unconventional approach to questing ensure players are kept engaged from start to end, whilst the open structure and impact of the player’s decisions add a sense of unpredictability to the experience that ensures no two playthroughs will be the same.
Sure, the combat isn’t without its flaws – particularly in melee encounters – and some may find that the lack of structured objectives can be overwhelming, but there’s no doubting that Atomfall still stands out as a very polished and enjoyable experience. With an engaging mystery at its core, a beautifully realized world to explore, and the freedom to approach both the storytelling and gameplay in your own way, Atomfall stands as one of Rebellion’s most ambitious and impressive releases to date.
Developer: Rebellion
Publisher: Rebellion
Platform(s): PlayStation 5 (Reviewed), Xbox Series X|S, PC